Be loud! Women for peace
SEID DOCH LAUT is a site-specific performance at the Bautzner Straße memorial about the GDR opposition group "Women for Peace" in the 1980s. By making this opposition history visible, Alexandra Finder and the creative team from SEID DOCH LAUT are countering the distorted historical record and state security with a different perspective, showing how women mobilised, dared and did things, and thus reflecting the current uprisings determined by women worldwide. A theatre beyond the theatre building.
With the performance SEID DOCH LAUT Alexandra Finder and the creative team are occupying the site of political persecution in the GDR, recalling the misanthropy associated with this place, but also the Peaceful Revolution of 1989. The size of the ballroom is used and there is no spatial separation from the audience, because they are invited to express themselves while at the same time realising that this is possible today within these walls without repression, but also necessary in a living democracy.
Further information and the start of the performances will follow.
Information on the SEID DOCH LAUT project can be found at